1000 Rounds of 9mm Ammo by Magtech - 115gr FMJ

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236 Review(s)

Ammo Overview

Manufacturer - Magtech
Bullet - 115 grain full metal case (FMC)
Casing - Boxer-primed brass
Quantity - 50 rounds per box, 20 boxes per case
Muzzle Velocity - 1135 fps


Everyone needs a few hundred rounds of ammunition stored up for a rainy day, so why not go ahead a buy a whole case?

This ammunition is manufactured by Magtech, a Brazilian company, with ties to other manufactures around the world. Each round is loaded with a 115 grain FMJ bullet, using a Boxer primed brass casing, and is ideal for range training and pistol competitions. This ammo will produce mild recoil in full size 9mm pistols and moderate but manageable recoil in compact and sub-compact pistols.

Self defense experts agree that if you carry a firearm for protection, then you should routinely practice with that firearm to maintain at least a base level of proficiency.

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Posted On: 11/24/2024 By: Dave M.

A: No sir! FMJ stands for "full metal jacket," a bullet which (A) lacks a hollow point, and is therefore (B) best for target practice. The ammo you want has a JHP (jacketed hollow point) bullet. I sense you're new to 9mm ammo. If you want to cut straight to the chase and buy the best 9mm defense ammo, then I strongly recommend Speer Gold Dot 124gr JHP (designed for cops, available to the general public): https://www.bulkammo.com/bulk-9mm-ammo-9mm124grjhpspeergd-50

Posted On: 11/6/2023 By: Jeff

A: Yes sir, 100% noncorrosive clean-igniting ammo right here!

Posted On: 4/13/2023 By: Freddy

A: This ammo should function correctly in both of those handguns, sir!

Posted On: 12/15/2022 By: Alexander Walton

A: Thanks for reaching out Alexander! According to our most recent measure this case of ammo weighs 28.15 pounds.

Posted On: 11/27/2022 By: Tim

A: No sir, this ammo is steel-free and nonmagnetic.

Posted On: 4/25/2022 By: CABorn71

A: Thanks for reaching out! It sounds like you're concerned about whether Magtech's FMJs are plated. To my knowledge their FMJs have always been jacketed, making them safely compatible with ported barrels and compensators.

Posted On: 10/16/2021 By: John

A: No sir – 9x19, 9x19mm, 9mm and 9mm Luger are all different names for the exact same cartridge.

Posted On: 7/19/2021 By: Do you ship to private buyers in the USA

A: Thanks for reaching out! That depends on the state. In some states we can ship to any address our customer specifies; in others, it has to be the same address on the recipient's ID card. Please reach out to our customer service team for more info about your state – we'll take quick care of it! (800) 720-6035 or CustomerService@BulkAmmo.com

Posted On: 2/1/2020 By: Barry Black

A: Sorry, we do not offer free shipping at this time.

Posted On: 6/21/2019 By: LeRo

A: Hi LeRo. The entire Magtech line up of ammo is a great choice for range use. Clean burning propellant and a jacketed bullet means easy clean up after the day of shooting and the quality of Magtech means a trouble free and accurate experience! This will be just the thing for your Ruger!

Posted On: 7/3/2015 By: Timothy

A: Hello Timothy, This Magtech FMC ammunition is designed for target and range use.

Posted On: 5/31/2015 By: Dave

A: Hello Dave! You will have no issues at all with the standard 115 grain Magtech fitting in that Ruger SR9c.

Posted On: 5/30/2015 By: Mitchell Montgomery

A: Hello Mitchell! Magtech ammunition is all factory new ammunition.

Posted On: 5/22/2015 By: john

A: Hello John! The Magtech ammunition is loaded into new, boxer primed brass that can be reloaded.

Posted On: 4/22/2015 By: ronatkins@verizon. Netwhat

A: Hello Ron! Magtech states the muzzle velocity of this ammunition is 1135 fps with a muzzle energy of 330 ft. lbs.

Posted On: 9/30/2012 By: Martin

A: Magtech is owned by the CBC group. They also manufacture ammunition under the popular name Sellier & Bellot. Two of their plants are located in Brazil, with additional offices in Europe and the United States. Magtech was once a part of Remington which changed to CBC in 1979. The Magtech brand of ammunition meets all SAAMI specifications.

Posted On: 9/14/2012 By: Don E

A: These bullets have a lead core that is covered by a copper casement. Neither the bullets nor the casings (or other components) will attract a magnet. You should have no issue using this round at indoor ranges. In fact, because the bullets are "cased" and not "jacketed" shooters will be exposed to less lead dust (these bullets have no exposed lead at the base of the bullet where jacketed bullets do).

Posted On: 4/23/2012 By: Ken Kobel

A: Yes, this Magtech 9mm ammunition will be compatible with your S&W M&P9. It is fairly clean burning, but shooting 1000 rounds of it will leave a good amount of residue.

Posted On: 10/20/2011 By: Mac

A: Full metal cased ammunition is functionally identical to full metal jacket ammo. While we can't be certain of what you bought in the past, we can say that if you were happy with the Magtech ammo you bought then, you will be happy with the ammo produced by Magtech now.

Posted On: 6/21/2011 By: Anonymous

A: The engineers at Magtech ammunition state that the lighter trigger that you propose will still work great with their 9mm 115 gr FMC Magtech ammo (9A) and is within the tolerances for this product.

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