10 Rounds of 12ga Ammo by Federal Shorty Shotshell - 1-3/4" 1 ounce rifled slug

Out of Stock

Ammo Overview

Quantity - 10 rounds per box
Manufacturer - Federal
Load - 1-3/4" 1oz. rifled slug


If you want a little demonstration that size doesn’t equate to power, just take a look at a dachshund in action. It’s a cutie, to be sure, but that little 20 pound terror turns into a frenetic ball of you-know-what and vinegar the second it sees something worth getting worked up about. It doesn’t matter if it sees a woodchuck, a fox, a raccoon, an elephant, the mailman, air molecules, or nothing -- a dachshund’s going to get to going in a toothy hurry fast.

This 12 Gauge shell by Federal is like the dachshund of shotgun ammunition. At only 1 3/4 inches long it’s not much to behold, but its one ounce slug is every bit as capable of knockdown terminal performance as full sized shell’s would prove. It even delivers less recoil, making it a great introduction to deer hunting for your kids, and because it’s so small you can fit more of them in the pump action you keep at your bedside for emergency midnight bad guy clean up detail. Do your research before you load these shells in your pump, but something like a Mossberg 590 ought to work fine.

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