100 Rounds of 12ga Ammo by Remington Premier Copper Solid - 1 ounce HP magnum sabot slug

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Ammo Overview

Ammo Quantity - 100 rounds per case; 5 rounds per box
Ammo Manufacturer - Remington
Shot Load - HP magnum sabot slug
Shell Length - 3"


There’s a difference between strong and tough when it comes to metal, as is best demonstrated by copper. Its lack of strength makes it highly malleable, while its superior toughness keeps it from breaking apart under stress. They’re those qualities that make copper the ideal medium for a durable, expanding slug.

This 12 Gauge shell by Remington features a one ounce solid copper slug. The projectile is precision machined from a single piece of metal, which alongside its high density plastic cylinder grants it high accuracy. As the slug drills through soft tissue, the petals cut into the rim of its nose cavity enable it to spread out to twice its original diameter, yet its inherent toughness keeps it from fragmenting to promote optimal weight retention. As a bonus, copper neither harms the environment nor fouls meat.

Remington wouldn’t spare one of their premium shotgun loads of high quality components. These shells’ strong casings, snappy primers, and fast burning propellant deliver performance you can count on out in the woods. This is one of the best ways to take a buck with a shotgun.

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