1000 Rounds of 9mm Ammo by Winchester - 115gr FMJ

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4 Review(s)

Ammo Overview

Ammo Quantity - 1,000 rounds per case; 50 rounds per box
Ammo Manufacturer - Winchester
Projectiles - 115 grain full metal jacket (FMJ)
Ammo Casings - Boxer-primed brass
Muzzle Velocity - 1,190 fps
Muzzle Energy - 362 ft lbs


One thousand rounds isn’t a great deal of ammo in the grand scheme of things. It’s easy to go through a couple hundred rounds of 9mm without even realizing it (especially if your pals are mooches). That’s why we advise not ordering not one case of Winchester target ammo – but two.

This is all-purpose range ammunition, and a natural choice for training if you prefer a 115 grain bullet for self-defense. The bullet’s 1,190 fps muzzle velocity will supply a flat trajectory without costing you too much in the recoil department, and its inability to attract a magnet means that all commercial ranges ought to welcome it with open arms. The full metal jacket’s hard copper shell promotes reliable functionality in all semi-autos – just don’t expect it to expand after impact.

Winchester’s American-made ammo features brand new – and reloadable – brass cases. Noncorrosive Boxer primers, of course, and propellant that minimizes fouling to help conserve your pistol or carbine’s accuracy.

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