1280 Rounds of 9mm Makarov Ammo by Arsenal in Spam Cam - 94gr FMJ

26 Ready to Ship


Ammo Overview

Ammo Quantity - 1,280 rounds per spam can
Ammo Manufacturer - Arsenal
Projectiles - 94 grain full metal jacket (FMJ)
Ammo Casings - Berdan-primed steel
Muzzle Velocity - 1,050 fps
Muzzle Energy - 231 ft lbs


SLOW DOWN, AMMO LOVER. This is 9mm Makarov ammunition: not something you want if you don’t already know what it is.

It’s time to hit the range with your Russian guns a-blazing, because we’re offering you a massive CHUNK of 9mm Mak ammo. You get all 1,280 rounds of steel-cased beauty in a hermetically sealed ammo can. If you’re young, you can wait to fire this ammo until you’re 90. If you’re already 90, then you’d probably better fire it all the same day it’s delivered to your doorstep!

This ammunition is made in Bulgaria by Arsenal, which has been in the ammo-making business since 1878. We already mentioned the rounds’ steel cases. They reduce cost by sheer virtue of steel’s lesser value than that of brass. Some folks notice that steel cases contribute to “sparkier” performance; not a huge problem if you aren’t averse to sparks. Steel cases aren’t reloadable, but at least Arsenal’s are exclusively noncorrosive primed.

We got a bimetal jacketed bullet here. It’s an FMJ with a lead core and a predominantly steel jacket, which means one important thing: many commercial ranges won’t allow this ammo anywhere near their lanes.

Do you really like spam? Order our “I Like Spam” T-shirt! A timeless fashion statement for any distinguished gentleman of taste.

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