20 Rounds of 5.56x45 Ammo by Winchester USA - 55gr FMJ M193

159 Ready to Ship


Ammo Overview

Ammo Quantity - 20 rounds per box
Ammo Manufacturer - Winchester
Projectiles - 55 grain full metal jacket (FMJ) M193
Ammo Casings - Boxer-primed brass
Muzzle Velocity - 3,180 fps
Muzzle Energy - 1,235 ft lbs


Not sure what kind of ammo you should march through your AR-style rifle the next time you grace the range with your presence? Don’t rack your brain too hard. Just get yourself a few boxes of 5.56x45 M193 ammunition by Winchester!

Winchester didn’t actually make this ammo, in all fairness. That credit belongs to the Lake City Army Ammunition Plant in Independence, MO, which is the largest ammo supplier in the U.S. Armed Forces’ service. M193 spec ammo is the simplest type of 5.56 you would be issued if you were a service member. It is armed with a 55 grain full metal jacket projectile: a lead-core bullet with a steel-free nonmagnetic copper-alloy shell to ensure smooth feeding and low barrel fouling.

This isn’t dusty old military surplus ammunition. It’s fresh out of the factory, complete with noncorrosive Boxer primers and reloadable brass cases. Don’t fret about the cases’ discolored shoulders. Every 5.56 case would have that same discoloration if it wasn’t polished up for cosmetic purposes. Military-grade cases just aren’t made to look as pretty!

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