Your personal safety means too much to risk it with an inferior self-defense ammunition. What you need is a round with a projectile that is designed in every way to neutralize anything which threatens to do you harm. Enter this 9mm cartridge from Federal’s Personal defense line of ammo -- with its 147 grain HST bullet, you’ll be able to rely on consistent expansion taking place even if your shot has to first pass through thick fabric, plywood, auto glass, and more. This bullet’s notched jacket enables it to expand to dramatically greater than its starting width, and also to retain virtually 100 percent of its weight as it does so. This bullet reliably penetrates to the ideal depth for stopping a human-sized threat, which further makes it less likely to pass through and harm innocent bystanders.
You can’t stop a threat if your weapon jams. This round’s special nose profile and low friction nickel plated brass casing serve to ensure you’ll be able to take your shots. You can’t stop a threat if your round doesn’t work, either. That’s why this round’s casing is resistant to corrosion, and its primer is ultra sensitive. HST: It might as well stand for “Hurts Serious Threats.”
You can’t stop a threat if your weapon jams. This round’s special nose profile and low friction nickel plated brass casing serve to ensure you’ll be able to take your shots. You can’t stop a threat if your round doesn’t work, either. That’s why this round’s casing is resistant to corrosion, and its primer is ultra sensitive. HST: It might as well stand for “Hurts Serious Threats.”