25 Rounds of .25 ACP Ammo by Hornady Critical Defense - 35gr FTX

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Ammo Overview

Ammo Quantity - 25 rounds per box
Ammo Manufacturer - Hornady
Projectiles - 35 grain FTX
Ammo Casings - Boxer-primed nickel-plated brass


Hornady creates their Critical Defense line of ammunition to give your everyday carry the stopping power it needs to be reliable in a life or death situation. The Nebraskan company has achieved this by giving this 25 ACP cartridge their 35 grain FTX projectile. The FTX doesn’t lose its potency after passing through fabric because the Flex Tip in its nose cavity prevents it from becoming clogged. Upon impact that pliant polymer column wedges within the FTX’s high antimony core, causing it and its heavy jacket to expand dramatically while destroying vitals within the target. The FTX can penetrate deeply thanks to its InterLock ring, which promotes superior weight retention.

This round won’t leave you high and dry if you’re forced to defend yourself in the dark. Its propellant is formulated to produce a low flash, which will preserve your vision and enable you to fire fast follow-up shots. Its brass casing is furthermore nickel plated, and thus easily visible during a hasty chamber check in the dark.

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