25 Rounds of .410 Ammo by Browning BPT Performance Target - 1/2 ounce #8 shot

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Ammo Overview

Ammo Quantity - 25 rounds per box
Ammo Manufacturer - Browning
Shot Load - #8 shot
Shell Length - 2-1/2"
Muzzle Velocity - 1,300 fps


The 410 Bore – the shotshell so special that it defies conventional shotshell naming conventions! If you’re fixing to absolutely wreck a fat pile of clay discs, then you can always count on Browning to deliver the goods!

This shorter 2-1/2” shell is loaded with a lighter 1/2 ounce column of smaller #8 lead shot. Its high antimony content makes the 0.09” diameter pellets harder than usual, thus assuring they withstand acceleration to a rate of 1,300 fps without becoming squished and less ballistically efficient. That’s why you can expect a tight spread whenever you stick one of these rounds’ primers! Browning’s hinged wad doesn’t merely serve to tighten pattern density by averting shot deformation. It also makes an already low-recoil shell even lower-recoil.

These shotshells’ hulls are smooth to promote more reliable extraction and tough enough to be handloaded more than a couple of times. Trust Browning’s propellant to keep your barrel nice and clean!

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