250 Rounds of 12ga Ammo by NobelSport Target Skeet - 1-1/8 ounce #9 shot

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Ammo Overview

Ammo Quantity - 250 rounds per case; 25 rounds per box
Ammo Manufacturer - NobelSport
Shot Load - #9 shot
Shell Length - 2-3/4"
Muzzle Velocity - 1,145 fps


Are you a dyed in the wool skeeter, who insists that something good happens every time you utter the word “pull?” Then you don’t need a piddly box of 12 Gauge ammo. You need a whole CASE! And NobelSport is just the Italian company to provide one to you!

This is a true skeet shooting shell, although its itty-bitty #9 shot pellets are plenty capable of demolishing clays during other types of shooting sports as well. Each trigger pull will launch about 658 dense-patterning and hard-hitting pellets at your target, and NobelSport’s fine vented plastic wad only does more to ensure that you land more shot on target.

NobelSport’s wad also features a hinged base, which collapses at the instant of ignition to keep more kick from reaching your shoulder. This isn’t a hard-kicking shell at all, however, as its clean-burning powder and non-corrosive primer only spark up to produce a 1,145 fps muzzle velocity. You’ll definitely want to keep NobelSport’s smooth-feeding pumpkin-colored shells handy for your next handloading project!

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Posted On: 6/8/2022 By: Doug H

A: Thanks for reaching out Doug! This shell has a 1-1/8 oz. shot column and 1,145 fps muzzle velocity, which places its dram equivalent squarely at 2-3/4. You're right on the money. If you'd like a dram equivalency chart for your future reference, I find this one is handy (you can ignore the highlighted 1,200, that's for a Saiga 12): imgur.com/TjKmo2D

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