250 Rounds of 12ga Ammo by PMC High Velocity Silver Line - 1-1/4 ounce #7.5 shot

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1 Review(s)

Ammo Overview

Ammo Quantity - 250 rounds per case; 25 rounds per box
Ammo Manufacturer - PMC
Shot Load - #7.5 shot
Shell Length - 2-3/4"


PMC makes this 12 Gauge shotshell so you can become the upland game hunter you picture yourself as – one who never fires a dud, always hits their target, and scores only the cleanest kills. PMC may have earned international renown for their metallic cartridges, but the same attention to detail that made them that way also goes into each and every one of their shotshells!

This shell is loaded with 1 1/4 ounces of shot, rather than the lighter 1 1/8 ounce maximum permitted for target shooting. It’s #7.5 shot, pellets that are sized just right to anchor a delicate trophy without leaving it unrecognizable. With about 437 of them in this single load, you can bank on a dense, lethal spread at many dozen yards.

PMC loaded this shell nice and hot, giving it a 1,330 fps muzzle velocity to help you keep up with fast-flying game. Coming out of the gate so fast assures #7.5 shot excellent downrange energy as well! This shell’s extruded plastic hull and brass head work together to deliver smooth extraction, and its primer and propellant both burn clean to keep your shotgun in fine working order.

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