250 Rounds of 20ga Ammo by Federal Game-Shok - 1 ounce #8 shot

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Ammo Overview

Ammo Quantity - 250 rounds per case; 25 rounds per box
Ammo Manufacturer - Federal
Shot Load - #8 shot
Shell Length - 2-3/4"
Muzzle Velocity - 1,165 fps


You would like to go hunting, but not for majestic elk and enormous brown bear. You’ve got little birds on your mind – quail, grouse, and other things that peep in the brush. You’d rather leave your 12 Gauge at home in favor of a lighter 20 Gauge, and you wouldn’t like a very powerful shell that will turn such delicate game into little more than clouds of feathers. That’s why you want this ammo from Federal’s Game-Shok label!

This shell is loaded with an even ounce of shot – a bit too heavy for trapshooting, at least if you like following the rules. But that’s okay, because as #8 shot it’s just the ticket for hunting the aforementioned small birds. Federal’s shot is unequivocally hard and round, exactly the qualities which lend themselves to dense, accurate patterning. Expect even more efficient patterning courtesy of Federal’s high density one-piece wad.

These 250 shells have non-corrosive primers and charges of select powder, both optimized to deliver a consistent muzzle velocity. And with their brass-plated heads and sturdy plastic hulls, these shells offer continuing value at the reloading bench.

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