250 Rounds of 20ga Ammo by Fiocchi - 7/8 ounce #8 shot

31 Ready to Ship


Ammo Overview

Ammo Quantity - 250 rounds per case; 25 rounds per box
Ammo Manufacturer - Fiocchi
Shot Load - #8 shot
Shell Length - 2-3/4"
Muzzle Velocity - 1,210 fps


C’mon – we both know a shooter like you can go through a box of 20 Gauge ammo before you’re even halfway done warming up your trigger finger. It’s not a party until there’s a whole case of 20ga on the table!

Fiocchi loads this ammunition specifically for upland hunting, but there’s no reason why you couldn’t use it to great effect at the target range. Each round is packed with 7/8 ounces of #8 shot, so it’s permissible for trap and sporting clays and perfect for anchoring delicate birds without turning them inside out. Fiocchi delivers a tight pattern by using hard lead to make perfectly spherical shot pellets, as well as loading a high-quality wad.

That wad is cushioned, by the way, so you’ll experience remarkably little recoil as you’re firing in rapid succession or honing your aim all day long. These rounds are made in the best country (you know which one we’re talking about, fellow American) with clean-burning powder, non-corrosive primers and reusable extruded plastic hulls.

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