250 Rounds of .410 Ammo by Fiocchi - 11/16 ounce #9 shot

19 Ready to Ship


Ammo Overview

Ammo Quantity - 250 rounds per case; 25 rounds per box
Ammo Manufacturer - Fiocchi
Shot Load - #9 shot
Shell Length - 3"
Muzzle Velocity - 1,140 fps


Got a real treat for all the 410 Bore fans in the house! Fiocchi Field Dynamics shotshells, which do just what you want when you’re taking aim at small game.

This shell is longer at 3” – but still small, because it is a 410 Bore after all. It’s loaded up with 11/16 ounces of solid lead shot, each pellet uniformly sized at 0.08” in diameter. That’s 402 individual lead balls. The lightweight 0.75 grain shot pellets exit a shotgun’s barrel at a rate of 1,140 fps, so they’re poised to kill without needlessly roughing up a delicate trophy. And if you’re packing a revolver or derringer that’s chambered for 410/45 LC, you’ll find this ammo is more than capable of obliterating a snake or arachnid at close range.

Brass-plated steel caps and fluted, crimped hulls make this ammo plenty durable enough to withstand a trek through the woods. It’s also reloadable, and it only comes with the fastest shipping on earth when you order it from BulkAmmo.com.

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