250 Rounds of .410 Ammo by Winchester Super-X - 000 Buck

Out of Stock

Ammo Overview

Ammo Quantity - 250 rounds per case; 5 rounds per box
Ammo Manufacturer - Winchester
Shot Load - 000 buck
Shell Length - 3"
Muzzle Velocity - 1,135 fps


Looking for bulk 410 Bore 000 buckshot ammo? Don’t miss your chance to stock up. Order a whole case of Winchester Super-X today! This ammo’s a great pick when you want to teach a coyote or other hen house marauder that it came to the wrong neighborhood. A direct hit from one of these shells can also incapacitate any threat quickly, and it’s compatible with any 45 Colt/410 Bore revolver so long as its cylinder has 3” chambers!

This shell is loaded with ~8/10 ounces of shot – yet it only has five shot pellets to its name. That’s because triple-aught buck is massive at 0.36” in diameter. Naturally, its bigger size means it weighs more: 70 grains, instead of 53.8 grains like the more conventional double-aught. Its superior momentum equips the triple-aught to hit harder and bore deeper into its target. Winchester’s hard lead only helps this round inflict even more damage, as well as pattern more efficiently.

Winchester’s carefully pieced together caps, tubes, primers and powder charges will all treat you to real consistent performance. This ammo is loaded with felt wads. They’re simple, but they get the job done right!

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