You woke up this morning, got out of bed, walked straight to the bathroom mirror, locked eyes with the magnificent SOB staring right back at you, and yelled “THIS IS A GOOD DAY TO ORDER 3,200 ROUNDS OF HIGH-QUALITY 22 LR TARGET AMMO.” Your wife yelled something back to you – probably something approving and affirmational. Great lady. Then you typed in the exact URL for this product page and started reading this eerily accurate product description. Everything’s going according to plan.
Federal Champion is nothing extravagant. You’ve got your 40 grain lead round nose projectiles, which are just a bit more cost-effective thanks to their lack of copper plating, capable of killing small game even if they can’t undergo expansion, and able to cycle a semi-auto and supply a flat trajectory courtesy of their supersonic 1,200 fps muzzle velocity. You’ve got your reliable brass cases, noncorrosive rimfire primers and propellant that won’t turn the inside of your firearm into a sooty disaster. You’ve got Federal’s expert engineering and commitment to outstanding consistency to top it all off. It’s everything you need to start riddling targets without a care in the world.
Eight hundred rounds per box. Four boxes! Fast shipping. The ultimate deal from your personal ammo dealer! Order now. Again, fast shipping!
Federal Champion is nothing extravagant. You’ve got your 40 grain lead round nose projectiles, which are just a bit more cost-effective thanks to their lack of copper plating, capable of killing small game even if they can’t undergo expansion, and able to cycle a semi-auto and supply a flat trajectory courtesy of their supersonic 1,200 fps muzzle velocity. You’ve got your reliable brass cases, noncorrosive rimfire primers and propellant that won’t turn the inside of your firearm into a sooty disaster. You’ve got Federal’s expert engineering and commitment to outstanding consistency to top it all off. It’s everything you need to start riddling targets without a care in the world.
Eight hundred rounds per box. Four boxes! Fast shipping. The ultimate deal from your personal ammo dealer! Order now. Again, fast shipping!
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