500 Rounds of 10mm Ammo by Winchester USA - 180gr FMJ

82 Ready to Ship

Regular Price: $244

On Sale: $219

Ammo Overview

Ammo Quantity - 500 rounds per case; 50 rounds per box
Ammo Manufacturer - Winchester
Projectiles - 180 grain full metal jacket (FMJ)
Ammo Casings - Boxer-primed brass


You may have had a cool nickname in high school, but we’re willing to bet that you were never called the “American Legend.” You’ve got to do something exceptional to earn a moniker like that, such as loading great ammunition. Now’s your chance to bring some of Winchester’s best range ammo home!

This round is for fine-tuning your aim with a 10mm pistol. Its 180 grain projectile is made without voids in its core nor deviations in its jacket’s concentricity so that you can enjoy landing bull after bull. Such a bullet won’t quickly foul a barrel or jam easily during feeding, and its broad meplat is especially suitable for work with a paper target.

This round’s brass is brand new, meticulously formed for certain functionality in a semi-automatic and supple enough to be repeatedly reloaded. Precision primers and standardized propellant charges mean you can count on every round in this case to perform more or less identically to one another!

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