500 Rounds of .45 Long-Colt Ammo by Remington Performance WheelGun - 225gr LSWC

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Ammo Overview

Ammo Quantity - 500 rounds per case; 50 rounds per box
Ammo Manufacturer - Remington
Projectiles - 225 grain lead semi-wadcutter (LSWC)
Ammo Casings - Boxer-primed brass


It doesn’t matter if yours happens to be an antique or a reproduction -- the Colt SAA is too important a piece of Americana to not treat to some regular exercise at the range or your plinking gallery. Give this 45 Long Colt Performance WheelGun cartridge by Remington to your Colt and it’s going to blush, because it’s all that it ever could have hoped for.

This round features a 225 grain lead semi-wadcutter, the choice bullet of serious target shooters owing to its ability to cut a very distinct hole through paper. That makes scoring during a match far simpler, and its tapering profile makes feeding the round into a chamber an easy feat to accomplish. A Performance WheelGun round ignites via Remington’s time-tested Kleanbore primer, which doesn’t deposit the kind of residues that lend themselves to eventual rusting throughout a revolver’s bore. This round’s brass casing is one of the finest Reminton has ever mustered, and a must for future handloading endeavors.

The outer case is mislabeled and says that these are 250 grain. We have confirmed with the manufacturer that the box label is correct and that these are 225 grain lead semi-wadcutter.

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Posted On: 10/22/2019 By: Steven R Sandidge

A: This round has a velocity of 960 fps. For your firearm you will probably want to go with a Cowboy Action Round. They are designed for reproduction models to meet the lower muzzle velocity requirements. I have included a link to an example below. These Magtech Cowboy Action Rounds have a velocity of 705 FPS. https://www.bulkammo.com/bulk-45-long-colt-ammo-45lc200lfnmt-50

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