You need 22 LR ammo?
Then here’s what you want to see.
It’s made in the USA, and it’s called
Remington Standard V.
These are lighter loads, with bullets that weigh 38 grains apiece, and a muzzle velocity (1,080 fps) that fails to break the sound barrier (1,125 fps). That means low recoil! That means a remarkably quiet report as well. And since the bullet’s velocity never dips from supersonic to sub, it’ll avoid developing an accuracy-ruining wobble downrange.
The bullet is none other than a lead round nose. It’s not copper plated, so it fouls a barrel at a normal rate. It’s also got a solid point, so it cannot undergo terminal expansion after colliding with small game. That’s not to say it won’t kill small game, however, which is why this 550-round box of ammo will have you well prepared for the inevitable rodent uprising.
Then here’s what you want to see.
It’s made in the USA, and it’s called
Remington Standard V.
These are lighter loads, with bullets that weigh 38 grains apiece, and a muzzle velocity (1,080 fps) that fails to break the sound barrier (1,125 fps). That means low recoil! That means a remarkably quiet report as well. And since the bullet’s velocity never dips from supersonic to sub, it’ll avoid developing an accuracy-ruining wobble downrange.
The bullet is none other than a lead round nose. It’s not copper plated, so it fouls a barrel at a normal rate. It’s also got a solid point, so it cannot undergo terminal expansion after colliding with small game. That’s not to say it won’t kill small game, however, which is why this 550-round box of ammo will have you well prepared for the inevitable rodent uprising.
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