10 Rounds of 12ga 9P Ammo by Sellier & Bellot - 00 Buck

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1 Review(s)

Ammo Overview

Ammo Quantity - 10 rounds
Ammo Manufacturer - Sellier & Bellot
Load - 2-3/4" 00 Buckshot 1-1/8 oz (9 pellets)


You can employ this affordable 12ga 00 buckshot for a variety of uses, including self-defense, hunting, and target practice. The 2-3/4 in plastic shells are loaded with 1-1/8 ounce of 00 buckshot, and the payload of 9 lead pellets blasts from the muzzle at 1200 fps. When this 12ga ammo hits a target at close range, the resulting wound is wide, deep, and devastating. The thick hide of most medium and large animals is no match for this 00 buckshot. The high-velocity 00 buck lead pellets will penetrate most barriers, so you should always pattern your shotgun before using it for self-defense.

Currently headquartered in the Czech Republic, Sellier & Bellot supplies premium hunting and sporting ammunition to shooters all over the world. The company is currently owned by the Brazillian manufacturing giant CBC.

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