5 Rounds of 12ga Ammo by Rio - 1 ounce Rifled Slug

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1 Review(s)

Ammo Overview

Quantity - 5 rounds per box
Manufacturer - Rio
Load - 2-3/4" Low Recoil Slug


A great rifled slug with a heavy weight projectile and a high velocity payload that works really well for a variety of things when shooting your shotgun. This is a 12 gauge 2 ¾” shell that houses a 1 1/8 ounce rifled slug that offers 1200 feet per second velocity to make this a devastating choice for large game at ranges of 40-80 yards and for threat interdiction by law enforcement or for personal protection at distances substantially similar. The heavy payload offers maximum stopping power with the 547 grain weight it provides.

As a big game round you should be able to expect relatively flat trajectories out to about 55-60 yards at which point the heavy grain weight can begin to drop the projectile slightly. The overall performance of the round at 40-60 yards is quite good with the terminal ballistic being off the chart. The relative accuracy is also good for a round so well priced. You can expect to see 3 inch groups at 40 yards, which barely accounts for the size of the slug. Note this is in fact a lower recoil round and the performance variability in trajectory and point of aim versus point of impact can easily be adjusted on the range in a few shots. It is a performance round that also just happens to have a lower recoil.

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Posted On: 10/21/2011 By: Jason

A: These slugs are recommended for smoothbore shotgun barrels.

Posted On: 10/19/2011 By: Alvaro

A: You could use this rifled slug in a rifled barrel, too, and accuracy should be good. You should check accuracy and grouping location prior to using it for hunting or self defense, though.

Posted On: 10/17/2011 By: Chantry

A: No, you should still be able to reload these shells. However, unless you buy these in bulk, developing a load for these hulls in your exact shotgun might not be worth the time required.

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