25 Rounds of 12ga Ammo by Fiocchi Golden Pheasant - 1 3/8 ounce #5 nickel plated lead shot

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Ammo Overview

Quantity - 25 rounds per box
Manufacturer - Fiocchi Golden Pheasant
Load - 2-3/4" 1-3/8 ounce #5 Pheasant Load


Fiocchi once again proves their incredible insight to shotgunners needs and delivers a pheasant load that is dialed in to the needs of the game bird hunter. This is a proven, well-made load that offers a great failsafe or longer-range pheasant round. The #5 shot seems a bit like overkill for close-in shots, but with the fidgety pheasant behavior that is all too common, it actually works out well as either a failsafe second barrel/second shot load, or as a dedicated single round choice. The nickel-plated shot offering excellent patterning and consistency and the added benefit of no raw lead exposure on the birds. It’s great round to have because of the performance, but with the way lead regulations are moving it might be a future proof load as well, with the nickel plating and the excellent price point given the sheer performance of the round.

The above-average size of the payload allows you a bit more room to make a shot error while still bagging you birds. The 1 3/8 ounce payload is more than enough from the short range shots to the movement shots seeking after the wandering, fleeing bird. You may make your bird dog a bit upset with you since the #5 shot is more than enough from a heft perspective to down the birds without a struggle or a kill needed by the dog. But the increased number of downed birds the old dog gets to chase down will probably keep him satiated.

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