250 Rounds of 12ga Ammo by NobelSport - 1 ounce #8 shot

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Ammo Overview

Quantity - 25 rounds per box; 10 boxes per case
Manufacturer - NobelSport
Load - 12 ga 2-3/4" 1 Ounce #8 Lead Shot


This 12 Gauge shell by Nobel Sport Italia is loaded with one ounce of #8 lead shot. Because it offers a dense pattern at a decent range, this size of shot is used at practically every level of trap, skeet, and clay shooting from friendly bouts in the backyard to the Olympics itself. It’s also good for small varmints when the small varmints are within a 30 yard range, and it will take down smaller birds like quail with ease as well.

Since its foundation in 1993, Nobel Sport has earned a worldwide reputation for the quality of their ammunition, and it is indeed used at the Olympics. They carefully manufacture all of their shells’ components at their factory in Italy, and subject each to rigorous quality control protocols. If you’re after a shell that will really help you shine at the range, 250 of these ought to give you just what you’re looking for.

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