One of the most classic hunting rounds for deer in America, the .270 Winchester. Made by Sellier & Bellot, this soft point 150 grain load is a great choice for standard work at the range in preparation for the season, but also a fantastic round for use in in the field in moderate range shooting scenarios where there is some brush or heavy cover and you want a projectile that can hit at point of aim without a ton of deflection. The round nose of the soft point will achieve this result in moderately wooded areas with ease.
The non-pointed bullet offers better resistance to d3eflection in the shorter and moderate ranges (from 50-125 yards) and will allow a bread basket shot under more difficult conditions much more easily than a comparable pointed bullet under lightly wooded conditions. That said, this isn’t a “bargain” .270 load, but it’s not an expensive one either. It rides the line between excellent brush gun variant of the .270 and a normal .270. At the range you’ll see the same accuracy as your pointed projectiles, as the QC at S&B factories is excellent. In the field you’ll see the same intermediate performance (125-175 yards).
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Posted On: 10/21/2011 By: Anonymous