25 Rounds of .410 Ammo by Federal - #4 shot

Out of Stock

Ammo Overview

Quantity - 25 rounds per box
Manufacturer - Federal Ammunition
Load - 3" with #4 Shot


A great game load for 410 gauge with a fairly tight pattern due to the nicely sized #4 shot and the 11/16 ounce cup weight. The 3-inch shell offers more potency than the standard .410 gauge shells and gives the sport shooter a better opportunity for fine practice work or the best possible outcomes in the field while hunting. The .410 on all fronts is a lightly recoiling shotgun, but this round, despite the larger #4 shot is even more mild than most 3 inch .410’s. The high brass bases from this Federal “Hi-Brass” Line denote the quality and attention to detail that is inherent in the smaller gauge shotgun families from the Federal brand. Their portfolio of high quality .410 ammunition is indicative of Federal’s commitment to the sporting side of the industry.

1135 feet per second of muzzle velocity with a lead shot base, makes this a suitable load for small ground game like rabbit and squirrel and some birds, especially small birds like chukar and quail.

It’s a little much to ask for high end performance for waterfowl, and with the lead shot it doesn’t make sense for most locales. This round, however is definitely suitable for use at the range on clays and other sporting games.

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