10 Rounds of .45 ACP Ammo by CCI - 120gr #9 shot

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Ammo Overview

Quantity - 10 rounds per box
Manufacturer - CCI
Bullets - 120 grain #9 Shot
Casings - Boxer-primed aluminum


An interesting 45 auto load by CCI, which has been making shotshells in handgun calibers for a while now. This is a perfect choice for shooting close range small game without destroying the animal, for instance rabbit, birds and snakes. In fact, this is a primary use for this round – snakes. The shotshell design offers a wider area of coverage and the miniscule #9 shot gives good penetration and patterning. A quick magazine change or a few loads on the top of a mag will give you a very potent snake deterrent or small game load for days when you aren’t dedicating yourself to that type of shooting, but don’t want to miss an opportunity or have to get rid of the danger of a large rattler or something.

A well-known round, this is quite a novel load that CCI has been offering to the mainstream market for as long as most shooters can remember.

It’s seemingly quite pricey at the per shot cost, but if you think about it, it is a very small price to pay for such big versatility in a round and this specialty round will find more use in the day to day than you can think of now.

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