50 Rounds of 9mm Ammo by Remington UMC - 115gr JHP

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Ammo Overview

Ammo Quantity - 50 rounds per box
Ammo Manufacturer - Remington UMC
Projectiles - 115 grain Jacketed Hollow Point (JHP)
Ammo Casing - boxer-primed brass


Remington created their UMC line of ammo with one goal in mind: to make versatile, top-quality ammo shooters can enjoy without going broke. The American ammo manufacturer succeeded with this 9mm ammo.

Ideal for self-defense, this 9mm ammo features 115gr jacketed hollow point (JHP) projectiles. Firing this 9mm out of a 4" barrel will generate a muzzle velocity of 1145 fps with 335 ft/lbs of energy. The JHP provides expansion in soft tissue making it more effective than an FMJ round. The expanded mushroom shape creates wide wound channels which improve the overall knockdown power of this round.

Remington uses only new production, Boxer-primed brass casings for this ammo. They load these cartridges with Kleanbore primers that perform beautifully and won't rust your barrel. Each casing is non-corrosive and reloadable, so you can squeeze every last drop of value out of these 9mm cartridges.

Order your 50-round box of this UMC ammo by Remington today!

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